My co-worker saw a bunny on a leash (it was not up for adoption; it was shopping with its people) at the pet store last weekend. That reminds me of the beach bunny at Happy Mundane.
Preserving oak leaves with glycerin at Martha Stewart
I'm reading The Science of Everyday Life by Jay Ingram. The chapter on coffee is my favorite one so far, and I was sure to look at the convection cells in my coffee this morning before I added liquid creamer. Neat!! There is a sound experiment you can do with powdered creamer (or instant coffee), but that's gross! Well, in the interest of science, I will subject myself to powdered creamer (there must be some lurking in the back of the cabinet). Ooooo, I just checked and he has another book, The Velocity of Honey: And More Science of Everyday Life. OK, that's next.
Good night,