Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am in love

Gate inspection

My in-laws' new property came with three pygmy goats and two sheep! I named them before I met them, and when I thought that there were only two goats and one sheep. I met them last Sunday, and I am in love! The sheep are very handsome, but they were not interested in people at all. Two of the goats were super-friendly, and I pet them for a very, very long time and took numerous photos. The largest of the goats, Baerli II, was the most timid with people -- he let me touch his nose twice -- but he has no problem facing down the sheep.

The goats are very smart. When asked what month it is, they replied "Maaaaaaaaaaaaay!" :-)

These photos prove why I am completely besotted with these creatures:

Schwanli, the smallest goat

Schwanli nibbles Baerli II

Baerli has a cute mule-ish muzzle

Baerli -- coy or cross?

Baerli II, the largest of the goats, sitting like a dog
Another shot of Baerli II sitting like a dog

At times, the goats would stand up on their hind legs and butt heads ever so gently.
I wasn't able to get a picture of that,but believe me, it was effing adorable.

The goats have a three-way head butt ...

... as the sheep head for the larger pasture. Each time the sheep headed for the larger pasture, the goats followed. Their bottoms are adorable!

Baerli II considers head-butting Nasturtium II. It didn't happen.Nasturtium II


Nasturtium nibbles coyly

Ta ta for now,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thanks, but no thanks

Invitation to Jehovah's Witness District Assembly

This lighthearted invitation was left at our front door today. Geez, the Jehovah's Witnesses are getting desperate. When I was a kid, we didn't leave invitations to our District Assemblies on the doorsteps of total strangers. A few weeks ago, they left a flyer for their Memorial Service -- that's where the chosen 144,000 eat wine and unleavened bread (JC's blood and flesh). I was surprised to see them inviting the general public to attend such an important event.

Numerous flyers, pamphlets, and saddest of all, handwritten notes have been tucked into the security gate in front of our doorway. It's sad, really. When you go out in Field Service, as the JWs call it, you have to return to each house in your territory until you finally find someone at home. Knowing this, I do feel kind of bad when I don't answer the door. Then again, when I went in Field Service as a kid, it was a huge relief when no one answered the door. That meant I didn't have to try to convince some impatient stranger to listen to my schpiel. So actually, me not answering the door makes some of them happy, right? :-)

The laziest form of Field Service is “street work.” I kid you not; that’s what they call it. Basically, you go downtown and stand on a corner or stroll about, while carrying the Watchtower and Awake! in front of you like a garlic shield that deters all but the mentally ill. Most mornings, on the way to work, we pass the same minivan of JWs unloading themselves onto the downtown plaza at 5:45 in the morning. Street work lets them avoid talking to people, hang out with their friends, and get their Field Service hours in before work so that their weekends are free. It makes me sad to see JWs in Field Service (such a waste of their lives, plus there is always a chance that they'll convert someone to the cult. Yikes!), but I am glad to how these street workin' folk are making it a bit easier on themselves.

Ta ta for now,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lazy Risi e Bisi (Rice and Peas)

Peas and rice make a simple and nutritious vegetarian meal. I am no chef, so the easier, the better. I made this yummy recipe twice this weekend while my husband was away. I made it for him tonight, and he loves it, too.

(Lazy) Risi e Bisi (Rice and Peas)
adapted from the April/May/June 2009 Issue of Something Extra from Raley's

1. Combine equal parts cooked rice and cooked peas (I used frozen peas and microwaved them with a few tablespoons of water, but I only cooked them enough to thaw them to a warmish temperature).

2. Add freshly ground black pepper, grated Parmesan cheese, salt, and dried basil to taste.

3. Mix everything together and enjoy!

The next time I make this, I will use fresh basil -- if it's this good with the dehydrated stuff, imagine how great it will be with fresh basil! For more flavor, you could add pine nuts and cook the rice in vegetable broth.

Ta ta for now,

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I made this gift card holder out of the 100 percent postconsumer content (PC) craft felt I mentioned here. Inside is a present for my friend's 60th birthday. He has a new dog, so I got him a gift certificate to PetSmart. This friend loves trees and recycled-content products, so I think he'll like this gift.
To make the leaf as realistic as possible, I used a scanning of a leaf from a Valley Oak in our front yard (it's a small, volunteer tree that grows over our driveway and blocks our car; since we have to trim it occasionally, I scanned some leaves from a trimmed limb). I also tried to follow the leaf's veination.

Ta ta for now, yet again,


A local wildlife rescue group brings some neat animals to
Walk on the Wildside each year.
Here are a few of this year's visitors:

Poquita, a prehensile-tailed porcupine, or Coendou. She is from a zoo in Florida that was shut down because it wasn't "caring for the animals properly." She has the funniest face and is effing adorable.
What a neat animal!!

A 16-month old black bear cub munching on grapes

The position of the logo on the handler's shirt makes it look like
this alligator is wearing a flaming crown at a jaunty angle :-)

What a handsome brute!

My in-laws are moving, and their new property comes with a ram and two goats. I haven't met them yet, but I have named them -- I plan to call the goats Schwanli and Baerli and the ram Nasturtium.

Ta ta for now,