Thursday, January 21, 2010

Embroidery for Skeptics

Double-click on photos for a skosh more clarity.

I have loved rainbows (so pretty) and hated religion (so irrational) for a very long time. I did this in backstitch with three strands of floss, and even though I didn't quite center it when I framed it (I always screw centering up), I still love it. My husband pointed out that it's to the left of center, which is just fine :-) I got the clever phrase/slogan from this bumpersticker that I saw in a shop. The hearts are from an image I found on the interwebs. Font = Monotype Corsiva. I placed the text and graphics in a three-row, one-column table in Microsoft Word.

I ran a strip of purple ribbon around the entire frame, and topped it with a bow.

It's getting hard to find wooden embroidery frames at craft stores (I always check the embroidery AND the quilting sections). When I finally found some, I bought a ton of them, including some cool oval-shaped frames.

Ta ta for now,

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